Friday, October 30, 2009

what an exparience?

Unlike most people I’m not so outgoing or spontaneous so if I have to do something out of my ordinary I would have to pushed quite hard or just find myself in the situation. Working at the St Mary’s dining wasn’t my idea of fun or something I would even doing. I am quite content eating there but never thought that one day I would play a role behind the scenes. 20 hours of community service is what got me into this tight fix. After a night as playing the typical Rhodes student and acting the full in res I was wiping dishes and preparing food for peers. As much as this was punishment I tried making it as enjoyable as ever, mind you I had my friends there with me so it was quite funny. Well at least at first it was. The job grew to be more of a burden as was intended. The days grew quieter and the kitchen staff grew louder and in all honesty all I could do was listen at the stories that unfolded in our Grahamstown community each and everyday but because I was consumed by the happenings of Rhodes university had never heard. The stories of lost children, not literally but lost into crime alcohol and drugs and the numerous cases of teenage pregnancy that left most of these ladies taking care of families as big as ten people on a measly level 4 salary. People in Grahamstown are not getting the better life they seek for because the driving ambition is not a feature in their lives. The people of this small town are quite content with the impoverished lifestyles the have. A degree is a distant dream for most and the human capital goes as far as working at Pick ’n Pay or Better Yet Rhodes University. What makes this people not want to push for more?

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